Benefits of Tantric Massage

Beneficios del Masaje Tántrico

The benefits of tantric massage not only stimulate sexual needs, but also help to obtain a greater feeling of relaxation and get to know our own body.

A short introduction as a summary of the benefits of tantric massage could be the following:

  1. Increased knowledge and bodily intimacy of the couple.
  2. Helps in curing sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, impotence, lack of libido, etc.
  3. Significant increase in erection time.
  4. Relieves stress and anxiety. Improves physical and emotional well-being.
  5. Helps in concentration.
Tantric Massage

One of the main virtues of tantric massage is to maintain the balance between the physical and the emotional. Hence, we want to banish the idea that this type of massage only serves the erotic and sexual level. Experts bring it even closer to a relaxation technique for those people who suffer from frequent episodes of stress and anxiety.

Precisely, tantric massage has one of its main objectives in the search for a state of calm. There are those who will seek pleasure in this modality and, of course, it is not incompatible with it. However, it is a discipline that goes much further and aims to delve into the mental plane of the person.

So much so that on any tantra portal we can read that a very high percentage of people who have recently received a tantric massage claim to have noticeably improved their mood. Hence it is perfect to enjoy greater physical and psychological balance.

Tantric Massage

At the same time, it should be noted that tantric massage improves the breathing process. This occurs because during the application of the massage, breathing is a fundamental section. The breathing exercises carried out are very important to reduce anxiety and stress disorders.

Tantric massage is capable of cleansing the mind so that only the feeling of enjoyment, relaxation and pleasure remains. The body will feel light, clean and vibrant, increasing levels of endorphin, serotonin and cytosine, while the mind will experience a feeling of clarity and tranquility.

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