The Chakras and their Functions

Los Chacras y sus Funciones

The chakras are the energy centers of the body, through which the life force flows. It is essential that they are in perfect balance.

What is Tantra?

Que es el tantra

Tantra is considered one of the deepest knowledge that exists about sexual energy and vital energy. It is the perfect symbiosis for both planes to complement each other and produce different benefits on a sexual, physical and emotional level.

Benefits of Tantric Massage

Beneficios del Masaje Tántrico

The benefits of tantric massage not only stimulate sexual needs, but also help to obtain a greater feeling of relaxation and get to know our own body.

Benefits of chocotherapy

Chocoterapia Mágica

Chocotherapy is a well-being and happiness therapy for the mind in which chocolate is used to cover the areas of the body where we want to achieve the benefits it brings to our skin and general well-being.

What does a hot stone massage consist of?

Masaje Piedras Calientes

Hot stone massage is a traditional technique that consists of applying stones with different temperatures to the skin with the aim of activating vital energy and also relieving physical or emotional disorders.